
Spendenlauf 02.06.2024

Everstener Brunnenlauf 02.06.2024

We are pleased to announce that our team achieved an impressive performance at this year's Everstener Brunnenlauf.

Thanks to the commitment and perseverance of the participants, we were able to raise a total of €3,000!

Torge Griese took home the trophy as the fastest runner for the second time.

The commitment of our team shows once again what we can achieve together.

We are proud and would like to thank everyone for their great support and participation.


19.02. - 19.02.2025

HTI Zehnter Tiefbautag 2025

Kraftwerk Rottweil - Neckartal 68, 78628 Rottweil

The main topics at the HTI Civil Engineering Day 2025 in Rottweil are pipeline and plant construction, as well as all topics relating to civil engineering

Make an appointment